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Newest episodes 👇
Episode 178 | Compensation Drives Behavior
When your cross-functional partners are moving at a glacial pace (NOT thrilling), ask yourself: how is this person being compensated?
Episode 177 | F*ck the Thank You Email
As far as your Work Wives are concerned, the post-interview “thank you” email can go to hell.
Episode 176 | "Hello, I'm Unemployed"
Pro tip for networking events: don’t advertise that you’re unemployed.
Episode 175 | Keep or Kill: A.I. & Your Resume
Hot take: using A.I. on your resume actually wastes time.
Episode 174 | Choose Your (Maternity Leave) Adventure
a.k.a. what to expect (from Corporate America) when you're expecting.
Episode 173 | What It (Really) Takes to Get Experience
If you want to get a job doing anything, do that thing.
Episode 172 | Is the Job Really Greener on the Other Side?
There's no such thing as a dream job, and every job will have unexpected inconveniences. So water the grass on your side.
Episode 171 | Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Follow-Up?
Sure, following up might make your feel like a bother, but what’s worse: being a bother or not doing your job?
Episode 170 | Finding the Hidden Job Market
Whether or not you're actively looking for a new job in the new year, tap into the hidden job market and get what you want.
Episode 168 | Work Is Not Summer Camp (Find Friends Elsewhere)
You are not here to make friends.
Episode 167 | Get in, Loser. We're Going Stretching.
Un/fortunately, stretch projects are exactly what they sound like.
Episode 166 | Soft Power for Social Media Managers
Hey, Social Media Manager. You've got more power than you realize. Use it.
Episode 164 | Boolean AND LinkedIn Search = TRUE
Tape your glasses and get out your pocket protector — we’re taking it old school to find a job on LinkedIn.
Episode 163 | Mind the (Resume) Gap
Thinking of taking a gap year? Here’s how to mitigate the negative consequences when you return to work.
Episode 162 | Keep Your Crying Selfies to Yourself
If you wouldn't do it in an office, don't do it on LinkedIn.
Episode 161 | What Are the Hard and Soft Skills Needed to Be a Social Media Manager?
You’ve come to the right place to learn what it takes to be a bad@ss social media manager. (It’s a lot.)
Episode 159 | WTF Is "Enterprise"?
Put simply, “enterprise” means scale and complexity. But here's what it means to *you*.