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Episode 137 | The Corporate America Chain of Command
In Corporate America, what comes up must come down. And what comes down (and up) must follow a certain order. Welcome to the Corporate America Chain of Command.
Episode 136 | The 70-10-10-10 Rule
You've probably heard the Work Wives talk about writing down what you do, and then shouting it from Slack's highest rooftops... But where's the time in the day?
Episode 135 | Take the Money & Run
Got a raise but no associated responsibility increase? Who cares! Take the money and run.
Episode 134 | Go Ahead, Discuss Your Pay
What should you do when you find out a junior new hire makes 10k more than you, and why does it feel so weird to know what your coworkers make?
Episode 133 | The Benefits of LinkedIn Premium Business
LinkedIn Premium Business. Do you need it? Probably. Do you want to read a comparison chart from LinkedIn about it? No. Would you rather listen to the Work Wives banter about it? Duh.
Episode 132 | "Woah There, Nellie!" (Keep All Your Interviews on Track)
Applying for jobs and finding that some recruiting processes are outpacing others? Don’t worry — it is well within your control to reign them in.
Episode 131 | Is It Okay to Stay at a Company for Longer Than Two Years?
Do you really have to job-hop every two years if your job is great, your manager is amazing, and your compensation is *actually* competitive?
Episode 130 | #brb: Vacation Responders & Other OOO Thoughts
Get your vacation responder right. Here’s what to do — and what not to do.
Episode 129 | Yes, Directors Have Statuses, Too
Directors need Statuses as much as you do (and theirs are even more complicated than yours).
Episode 128 | The Devil *Is* in the Details
Don't let your lack of attention to detail keep you from getting what you want.
Episode 127 | "It's me. Hi! I'm the problem; it's me."
Here are the three ways problems in Corporate America manifest — and how to solve them.
Episode 126 | Thinking of a Career in Writing? Revise It.
Take it from Vanessa: you can’t make a career in Corporate America with writing alone. You need to bring another skill to the table.
Episode 125 | #follow4follow
Your manager just followed you on Instagram? We have questions.
Episode 124 | Referrals Do It Better
On this Valentine's Day, if you're looking for a job, take a lesson from dating: referrals do it better.
Episode 123 | Keep or Kill: Accepting Vendor Gifts
Another day, another cold email from a sales guy offering you a new pair of AirPods if you take his call. Should you do it?
Episode 122 | To Cert or Not to Cert, That Is the Question
If you’re considering a new career, you’re probably asking yourself the same question.
Episode 121 | Vendor Management 101
New to managing vendors? Here’s everything you need to know.
Episode 120 | What Does "Closing the Loop" Actually Mean?
You put a pin in it last week, or you punted it to next quarter, and you’re supposed to circle back and close the loop, but what does that actually mean?
Episode 119 | New Job, New Family
A.k.a. What to do when your manager treats you differently because you’re single.