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Newest episodes 👇
Episode 120 | What Does "Closing the Loop" Actually Mean?
You put a pin in it last week, or you punted it to next quarter, and you’re supposed to circle back and close the loop, but what does that actually mean?
Episode 116 | Remember: You Are Always on Interview Footing.
No matter what, never forget: you are always on interview footing.
Episode 89 | Remote Work Is Detrimental to Your Career
Women finally have the seat at the table. When you choose remote work, you’re giving up that seat.
Episode 75 | Should I Work for “Free” During the Interview Process?
If you think working for “free” during the interview process is unfair and exploitative…you’ve got another thing coming.
Episode 32 | There's No Such Thing as a Dream Job
Corporate America only wants to crush your dreams, so kill the concept of a dream job and learn how to extract value from corporate America, not the other way around.
Episode 22 | You Are Not Your Job
What you do is not who you are (unless you’re a butcher, a baker, or a candlestick maker), but what do you do when you have nothing else to fulfill you?