Episode 75 | Should I Work for “Free” During the Interview Process?
How would you decline an interview? I need help articulating my reasoning.
The reason why I'm declining is because of the assignments required before the interview. And then on top of that, I have to present them in front of a panel.
It's a press release, a blog post, social media assets, and a news article. This seems excessive for a specialist position, but I could understand for a manager or director, et cetera.
If you think working for “free” during the interview process is unfair and exploitative, you better hope you have $70-250k coming in from someplace else because you’re never going to get a job — especially an execution-level one — without proving you can actually do it.
What’s more, you clearly haven’t done the math on what the 4 or 5 hours it’ll take to finish this assignment are worth to you (a roof over your head, food on the table, and shoes on your feet), nor thought about the fact that in a down market, beggars can’t be choosers.
We’ll save the rest of the tough love for the episode.
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