πŸ€“ Your Work Wives Will Know

We're your Work Wives, standing by to help you play the game of Corporate America and get what you want in your career β€” and by extension β€” your life! Got a burning professional question? Just ask!

πŸŽ™οΈ Ask Your Work Wife is a new podcast for ambitious professionals in Corporate America. Listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

It’s Vanessa and Holland β€” your Work Wives β€” here to shake things up and make Corporate America work for you, and not the other way around. We’re not your colleagues, or your business-savvy relative, or your work bestie, or even your mentors; we’re your partners in success, your go-to for all things career-related. And guess what? We’re absolutely invested in your success! Lucky duck.

Believe us, we know Corporate America can be an intimidating game designed to confuse you and keep people out. We did all the fuck-around so you can find out (i.e. get a bigger paycheck). Turns out, Corporate America is a game. It has rules and plays to learn and practice. We’ll tell you which ones to follow to the letter and which ones to flip on their head.

Your Work Wives are always here to answer specific on-the-clock conundrums. Got questions? Need advice? Ask Your Work Wife. And share this newsletter with your friends, siblings, work besties. Let’s all start getting what we really want out of Corporate America.

⏰ It's time to get what you want out of Corporate America. Email your burning questions to Ask Your Work Wife and share this newsletter with your friends, siblings, and work besties.

Ask Your Work Wife

Got a question? Ask Your Work Wife!

Email your question to help@askyourworkwife.com. Include your name, your city if you want, and whatever context might be helpful for us to know. And don’t forget to start with β€œHey, Work Wives!”

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πŸ—“οΈ Job Hunting in Q4 Is Not for the Faint of Heart


πŸ–€ Why β€œAsk Your Work Wife”?