Episode 140 | Why "Ask Your Work Wife"?



Hey, Holland and Vanessa. It's Christy from Menlo Park. I like, like, I love your episodes. I love everything about it. Like, you're just such an inspiration. But I just, like, you know, I finally have to ask this question because I thought in 2024 we're not dealing with the term "work wife" anymore. Like, you know, every time I say the name of your podcast, I get a chuckle from people and then they ask me what it's about. And they're kind of surprised to learn it's not like work relationship advice. So like, I don't want to change anything, but like, I just want to know, like, why you chose the title you did. What's up with Work Wives? Thanks so much.



We get asked hundreds of questions each month... but this is the one we love the most. If the title of our podcast doesn't immediately get a chuckle, it raises an eyebrow. And we're not shying away from that particular inquisition. In fact... we're reclaiming the term "work wife" and it's a badge we wear with honor. The discussion, though, is nuanced and deserved some airtime. Bear with us as we break our "20-minute" rule!


Got a question? Ask Your Work Wife!

Email your question to help@askyourworkwife.com. Include your name, your city if you want, and whatever context might be helpful for us to know. And don’t forget to start with β€œHey, Work Wives!”


Episode 141 | Gatekeeping: A False Sense of Job Security


Episode 139 | Must Be in Want of An Email Introduction