Episode 80 | Personal Finance Lite
Hey, Work Wives. This is Molly from Cypress, Texas. Have either of you quit your job before starting to search for a new one recently? Ideally, I would like to take a month or two break between my current job and my new one, but all the what ifs is making that a terrifying idea. I know I need a break for my mental health, but I have to pay rent and other obligations, and will be dropped from my parents' health insurance in July, too. I do have enough savings to sustain myself for a decent amount of time, but I'm not sure how long it'll take for me to find a new job. All of those unknowns are literally keeping me up at night, and I know you say to find a new job before I leave my current one, but I really, really just wanna quit and then start looking. I work in corporate finance if that makes any difference in job availability.
There’s a reason the Work Wives say you should always find a new job before quitting your current one: being in financial scarcity will f*ck you the f*ck up.
The solution to financial scarcity lies in what Vanessa & Holland call Personal Finance Lite.
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