Episode 153 | The Problem with VC Money



Hey Work Wives, it's Anna from San Jose, and not surprisingly, I work for a startup. I was at lunch with some friends and family last week where we were all giving updates on our life and jobs. As I was talking, I saw the faces of the rest of the table change to deep concern. One of the women at the table is a resume coach and she asked if I was looking for a new job. Now I'm really scared. There have been some recent internal movements, and I've been given a lot of responsibilities lately. I've been moved closer to the product, but I thought that was a good thing. Is it not? How can I tell if my company is maybe going under?



Startups are all fun and games (and ping pong tables and pizza parties)…until the venture capitalist money dries up.


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Episode 154 | Internal vs. External Networking (the Key to a Good Career Change)


Episode 152 | Keep or Kill: Meetings (Part 2)