Episode 150 | Make Conferences Work for You



Hey, Work Wives. This is Erica from Tampa, Florida. So, I don't know if I love this or not, but we're back to conferences full blast. Like, I feel like maybe like after COVID we've just like doubled down on conferences because I feel like I have one every other month now. And I'm okay with them. I'm not an extrovert, not a wild introvert, so like, I can go to them. But on some level, I'm like, this is stupid. So do you guys have any advice for attending a conference intelligently? Like, is there something I can be getting out of this? Or do I literally just have to go? At some point I'm like, can I just attend the virtual though? That's something from COVID that I'd keep for sure. So any thoughts on conferences? Thank you so much. 



It’s conference szn. Bust through those event center doors with a fool-proof strategy to satisfy your team’s initiatives, AND meet your personal goals.


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Episode 151 | Keep or Kill: Meetings (All of Them)


Episode 149 | Who Gets Cut First? Middle Management