Episode 104 | Encouraged to Interview Internally? Congrats! You Got the Job



Hi, Work Wives, this is Elise from Santa Ana, California. I have an internal interview coming up soon for a position a step above my current role, which my old coworker got let go from. I'll literally be interviewing with my current boss, the VP of our department, and a few other senior leaders. I was encouraged to apply, but I'm so nervous. I have an idea of what the role entails. So how do I prepare for this interview? What questions should I ask? Thank you.



Internal promotions are the best kind of promotion inside Corporate America, so if you've just received an invitation to interview internally, take it, because the invitation is basically a job offer, the new role is basically a stretch project, and the interview itself is just a leveling-up meeting.


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Episode 105 | Four Is the Shortest Quarter


Episode 103 | Changing Careers? Be a Big Fish in a Small Pond