💸 Personal Finance Lite

Inflation has officially overstayed its welcome — even the experts agree — and we know budgeting continues to feel like a chore. 

Luckily, it doesn't have to be about restricting, per se. Personal finance requires a bit of introspection to discover what’s actually valuable to you to allow your spending to reflect that! Turn money into a resource rather than a stressor with these three jumping-off points:

🎙️ Ask Your Work Wife is a new podcast for ambitious professionals in Corporate America. Listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

1. How Much Does Life Cost? 🤔

It’s an elusive number that we (honestly) try to avoid. With the advent of auto-pay on recurring bills and subscriptions, this exact number is even slipperier to pin down. But knowing exactly how much you spend each month to live comfortably will pay dividends when considering a career move or pay cut.

2. Know Your Numbers 🧮

Outline an absolute bare-bones budget you can deploy in times of scarcity. We’re talking the MAX frugality you can muster. Ask, what do I need need to get by? Set aside big trips or dream renovations, but still include items from Maslow’s base tier and things to stay upbeat. This will require you to get real with yourself. Can I afford every new streaming service? Or do I stick with my two favorites? These are factors for you to decide on and for your budget to reflect.

3. Broaden Your Skill Set 🎓

Becoming a “lifetime learner” was an annoying thing to hear as a young student, but is annoyingly true. More skills means more opportunity and value to employers, and this doesn’t just mean a whole-ass master’s degree. Look for ways to reach cross-functionally in areas of interest. Maybe brand partnerships seem cool, or the content strategists seem to have it made. Finding online certifications can help further your expertise while working full-time.

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Overall, don’t run from your reality! We’ve grown up in a polite society where money talk is often awkward and uncomfortable, but there have been major strides recently with income transparency. There’s even a “loud budgeting” trend among Gen Z. The more you know about your finances, the better your decisions will be.

Know Your Numbers

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