🤝 An Introvert’s Guide to Networking

That networking event you RSVP’d to has finally rolled around and you’re feeling much less sparkly than you did on sign-up day. We especially salute introverts (Holland) who brave professional speed dating—hopefully with their extroverted friends (Vanessa). 

We promise it’s a sure-fire way to progress in any career and get what you want way faster. You might even have some fun (you’ll definitely have some fun).

In today's email:

  • Read: An Introvert’s Guide to Networking

  • Episodes for Networking Newbies: Listen now

  • You don't have to be a people manager to get ahead: Join the convo

  • How to get what you want: The Ask Your Work Wife course


🎙️ Ask Your Work Wife is a new podcast for ambitious professionals in Corporate America. Listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.


An Introvert’s Guide to Networking


🎧 On your way to a networking event right now? Listen to Episode 54 | Networking for Newbies on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.


We, the Work Wives, have something wild to say:


Networking moves your career further and faster than anything else.


You read that right. Knowing lots of people and knowing them well is going to help your career more than anything else. Not certifications, fancy degrees or even your bank account.

There are just two key buzz words to remember: strengthening and growing. Growing your network refers to meeting more people, whereas strengthening is fostering genuine connections by following up.

People assume extroverts are all networking savants, but you know what they say about assuming? It annoys the Work Wives.

Anyone, including textbook introverts, can create a meaningful and expansive network. Here's how:

Do Your Homework

You’re committed to an event, and every event has a coordinator. Find that person! Ask them any and all of your questions! They want and need you to show up. They will be forthcoming and helpful with easing your anxieties, and you may inadvertently make your first connection well before the event.

Lean Into the Anarchy

Some of us (cough Holland cough) love the rules that govern corporate society. We yearn for hierarchies. Networking events tend to scramble those labels and leave the type-A’s and Virgos floundering. Rewrite that narrative! No structure means you’re not obliged to stay the whole time or talk to every single person. Talk to five people and leave after 30 minutes. Do your thang.

Business Cards Babyyy

If there’s a name badge situation, only use your first name. Write it big to avoid the awkward lean in and avoid the phone or pen fumble by bringing business cards. Seems old school, but it still totally works. Bonus points if you print them at Moo (not sponsored) for an extra cool look.

If You Bring a Friend…

...the temptation is to cling to their side like a crutch, so set clear intentions around networking. Prioritize the new people over the familiar hangout.

Be Cool.

Let people come to you. Find a corner that’s on the edge of the chaos and just stand there with inviting, open body language. When chatting, turn on that charm, but in a chill way. It sounds so dumb but ask a question and then let them ask a question. People don’t know who you are if you’re always asking them questions.

Never Forget the Follow-Up

The real game starts when the event is over: the much anticipated follow-up. Remember their name. If you promise something, follow through. Reach out on Instagram or via email, but don’t overthink. Move heaven and earth to go to something you’re invited to.

And that’s it! No biggie, right? It’s like business casual friendship and you’re already a great friend. You got this :)


Episodes for Networking Newbies



The Ask Your Work Wife Course

In the Work Wives' first-ever course, Vanessa & Holland introduce an entirely new way to think about Corporate America and give you step-by-step instructions on how to focus your energy to get what you actually want.


Got a question for Ask Your Work Wife?

Record your question and email us the recording. Include your name, your city if you want, and whatever context might be helpful for us to know. And don’t forget to start with “Hey, Work Wives!”



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