Episode 59 | The Elements of Style, Emoji Edition



Hey Work Wives. This is Rhoda from Kingwood, Texas. Y'all. I need some help. I was out to brunch with the girls last weekend, and we got to talking about work, emails, Slack, just like all the communications at work. And I started in on my favorite emojis to use at work, 'cause, you know, there are some choice ones. And a couple of the girls were horrified I would even use emojis at work. So I need to know: are emojis unprofessional?



Is it unprofessional to use emojis in the workplace? The answer is: it depends.

In this episode, Vanessa & Holland break down how to use emojis to either go with the flow of your company’s emoji culture, or to go against the current and make a splash. :droplets:

But either way, just know…the eggplant emoji is never the answer. :woman-gesturing-no:


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Record your question and email us the recording. Include your name, your city if you want, and whatever context might be helpful for us to know. And don’t forget to start with “Hey, Work Wives!”


Episode 60 | Pass the Work Happy Hour Vibe Check


Episode 58 | Why Training a New Guy Makes You the Peter Jackson of Corporate America