Episode 57 | How to Figure Out What You’re Worth



Hey, Work Wives, this is Lydia from DC. I'm just finishing a Master's program and starting to look for new jobs. Some of the jobs have salary ranges listed, and I wanna know how do I know what I'm worth being paid? Obviously I wanna go for the highest one possible, but I also wanna be reasonable. What do you think?



Vanessa & Holland always say: know your worth and demand it every time. But how do you know what you’re worth?

In this episode, the Work Wives break down exactly how to do vertical research (i.e. how to figure out what your skills worth in the market), step-by-step. You’re welcome.


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Record your question and email us the recording. Include your name, your city if you want, and whatever context might be helpful for us to know. And don’t forget to start with “Hey, Work Wives!”


Episode 58 | Why Training a New Guy Makes You the Peter Jackson of Corporate America


Episode 56 | How to Help Everyone Get Their Sh*t Together