Episode 41 | "Is This for Business or Pleasure?"



Hi Work Wives. It's Jane from Fairfax, California. I just started a role that requires quarterly travel and I'm excited but nervous, too, because I've never traveled for work. So, what's the deal? How does booking flights work? What do I need to know? Thanks a lot.



Everyone hates corporate travel, but what if you could use it to see the country, network, make your next three moves, and have some fun, all on your company’s dime?

This is how Vanessa — and soon, Holland! — do corporate travel. In this episode, the Work Wives teach you how to make the most of traveling for work, so that for your next work trip, the answer to “Is this for business or pleasure?” is YES.


Got a question for Ask Your Work Wife?

Record your question and email us the recording. Include your name, your city if you want, and whatever context might be helpful for us to know. And don’t forget to start with “Hey, Work Wives!”


Episode 42 | Is It Me or Is My Manager Just Hangry?


Episode 40 | The Decision Pyramid of Corporate America