Episode 37 | #burnout



Hey, Work Wives! This is Kate from Naples. I've been experiencing major burnout with my job for months now, and I feel like I'm on the edge of the total breaking point. I've been in my current role for two years and really loved it for a while, but I just have no motivation to do anything anymore. My performance is really lacking and I've had a few conversations with my manager about it. I’m meeting all my deadlines and doing good work, but it's inconsistent and always last minute, because I push things off. I'm worried that if I keep going much longer, my performance is going to keep getting worse and I'll end up leaving this job on a bad note.

I work in finance and I've been at this company for five years. I switched to this role because it was to do something I was really interested in, but I've realized I was better in my old role, even though it wasn't very interesting.

Do you have any tips for dealing with burnout? How I can communicate how I'm feeling to my manager? She's incredibly understanding. Or how to go about finding another job that I would enjoy more? Thanks so much.



We know, we know… Burnout is a total buzzword. But it’s a real thing that can affect your whole work life, and it’s important you know where it’s coming from so you can address the root cause.

In this episode, Vanessa & Holland break it all down.


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Episode 38 | Remote Work Is Not the Answer


Episode 36 | THE LinkedIn Episode