Episode 145 | Measure Twice, Cut Once (Corporate's Version)



Hey, Work Wives, it's Annie from Brooklyn. Every time my manager assigns me a project, I feel like I go back to her after we've started and I'm like, Oh shit, I didn't like realize that I needed this information to start. Or sometimes when I turn in a project, it comes back that like, this was way off the beaten track. And I'm like, Oh no, like I shouldn't even have started because I went in a totally opposite direction than what my manager envisioned. So, my question for you is, like, is there a better way to start projects so I don't have to do this again? Because I feel like, on some level, I'm going to get fired over this. But also, like, I just hate the extra work that it creates for me and my team. So, there's just, there's gotta be a better way to do this, and I'm sure you have the answers, so please, enlighten me.



Here’s every question you need to ask in order to start your projects — whether a six-month product launch or a spreadsheet export — with gusto. And aplomb.


Got a question? Ask Your Work Wife!

Email your question to help@askyourworkwife.com. Include your name, your city if you want, and whatever context might be helpful for us to know. And don’t forget to start with “Hey, Work Wives!”


Episode 146 | Keep or Kill: Exit Posts on LinkedIn


Episode 144 | WTF Is a Team Player?