Episode 113 | Corporate America Dropouts: Look Before You Leap



Work Wives, this is Ava from Bakersfield. I finally put in notice at my job. I am so burnt out and I just need to prioritize my mental health. So, I did it without having anything lined up. I do have some savings so I'm considering starting my own thing so I can do all the things I've missed out on these past years due to limited PTO. So cheers to new beginnings and taking the leap!



Tired of working for “The Man”? Ready to just “do your own thing”? Sounds like you don’t know what you want. It’s time for you to figure out how to make “The Man” work for you.


Got a question for Ask Your Work Wife?

Record your question and email us the recording. Include your name, your city if you want, and whatever context might be helpful for us to know. And don’t forget to start with “Hey, Work Wives!”


Episode 114 | How to Work Yourself Out of a Job (and Why That's a Good Thing)


Episode 112 | Corporate Gift Guide 2023